We are an association of believers who are committed to encouraging Men and Women in the United States Armed Forces, and their families, to love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. CMF involves all elements of that society including all ranks, family members, veterans, retirees, and civilian employees.
We give great importance to Bible study because God has uniquely inspired the bible. In the final analysis it is not merely a book written by men. It is God's Book, designed by Him to provide knowledge of the way (which is Jesus Christ) to eternal salvation, as well as guidance and spiritual strength for the daily life and walk of His dear children.

To Win: As a lay ministry the CMF is committed to leading (by the life witness of our membership) those in the military society to commit their lives to Jesu Christ. This is accomplished one on one, heart to heart, person to person.
To Disciple: Encouraging those who serve in the armed forces of the United States and their families to love and serve Jesus Christ.
To Equip: Helping individuals to establish and maintain personal Bible study, prayer and obedience to God in every area of their lives.
To Win: Out of a full heart, having been encouraged and equipped, our members can then share their faith with those with whom they live and serve.

We provide Christian resources to help you grow deeper into the Heart of God.
We also offer free discipleship tools and biblical resources to foster your Christian growth! Our headquarters and field staff provide opportunities for training, mentoring, and biblical counseling.
Monthly Newsletter
Worldwide Prayer Fellowship
Remote Mentoring
Remote Access Discipleship
Printed Literatiure
Books and Bible Studies
Many other downloadable resources

Christian Military Fellowship publishes a monthly newsletter with articles related to daily Christian living, encouragement, discipleship, marriage, family life, and Bible study. There is a monthly book offer to encourage personal enrichment sent free and postage paid to our members.

Christian Military Fellowship publishes a monthly prayer calendar we call the "Battle Plan" that shares the prayer requests of our members with our fellowship. It is transmitted in print form and via e-mail monthly along with our Christian Report. Daily requests and any urgent requests are sent to our prayer warriors each day. Thus, a fellowship of thousands is providing prayer cover for you, your family, and your ministry.

Remote mentoring is available for those that do not have local face-to-face opportunities. Our field staff may make themselves available to you via video conference. The concept of mentoring is to help you succeed in growing in your walk with Jesus Christ and experienciencing the fullness of His Grace in ever area of your life.

We offer a variety of time-honored Christian books and Bible studies that are available free and postage paid to our membership. Bible studies include: Discovery Bible Study, Basic Bible Study, Quick Step Bible Study, and Discipleship Training Objectives (DTOs). DTOs leads you through all the major doctrines of the Bible while simultaneously teaching the inductive Bible study method.

Christian Military Fellowship provides selected briefs about our fellowship, developing a local ministry, the pray and plan method, posters to use for your Bible study, Christian Tracts, Discipleship Training Guide, and Small Group Leader's Guide.

We are pleased to announce that MinistryWatch has listed Christian Military Fellowship as one of their “Shining Light” Ministries. To become a MinistryWatch “Shining Light,” a ministry must have earned a 5-star rating on MinistryWatch’s 5-star financial efficiency scale. Further, those ministries on this list have a Transparency Grade of “A.” That’s MinistryWatch’s highest transparency grade. Out of 700 ministries, only 13 meet these strict criteria.

We are members of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability in order to maintain the highest standards of excellence and stewardship.

Christian Military Fellowship is PLATINUM organization listed on the Guidestar website. PLATINUM means we have demonstrated our commitment to transparency.

Christian Military Fellowship is listed on the Charity Navigator website now that they have begun monitoring smaller charities.