Thanks for considering Christian Miliary Fellowship for your charitable contributions!
Clicking on the "Donate" button will take you to the PayPal Website where you will be able to complete your donation.
You may make a "one time" or "recurring" transaction. Recurring transactions require that you establish a PayPal account.
May the Lord richly bless your generous investment in His Kingdom!
If you wish to preference your gift to multiple funds, you may do so in the "Add a note" section.

Clicking on the "Donate" button will take you our Giving Portal where you will be able to complete your donation.
You may make a "one time" or "recurring" transaction. Recurring transactions require that you establish a Profile.
You may contribute via Credit/Debit cards or E-Check. Your profile will allow you to track your contributions; add, edit and delete transactions.
May the Lord richly bless your generous investment in His Kingdom!
If you wish to preference your gift to multiple funds, you may easily do so in the Portal.