Pacific Northwest Regional Ministry
Scott and Kristi Radetski
LCDR Scott Lawrence Radetski, CHC, USN (Ret.) Scott is a long-time CMF Regional Ministry Representative, who, along with his beautiful wife, Kristi, energetically ministers to the military community in the Pacific Northwest. They have been with Christian Military Fellowship since 1992.

New England Regional Ministry
Ministry of Prayer and Encouragement
Greg Holm, Director of Field Ministries
Greg has been with Christian Military Fellowship since 1978. He has served as a Local Leader, Regional Representative, and served on the Board of Directors. Greg faithfully orchestrates our electronic prayer ministry by transmitting in real-time the urgent prayer requests of our membership. He is also our chief encourager who brings the hope of Christ Jesus to those who have been struck by the disappointments of this world. Greg also travels around the country visiting our membership and fosters ministries in the New England Region.
Greg enlisted in the United States Air Force in December 1976 and went to Basic Training at Lackland AFB, TX the following July.
After training at Lowry AFB, CO he was assigned to RAF Upper Heyford, England in August 1978. There he first met members of Christian Military Fellowship and Officers' Christian Fellowship and was very active in the base chapel, local Bible Study Groups, a Contemporary Worship Service and conferences with the British Officers Christian Union and the Association of Military Christian Fellowships. It was during this time Greg met the CMF Executive Director, Ernie Miller and felt God's call to military ministry. At the end of his enlistment in 1981 he joined Ernie on a month-long missionary journey all through Europe to meet and encourage CMF and OCF members and other military missionaries. This was his time to "learn the ropes" of missions to the military. Greg returned home to Colorado, enlisted in the Colorado Air National Guard and began attending Rockmont College. Also, Ernie Miller invited Greg to join the Office Staff of CMF at the Headquarters in Englewood, CO. After graduating in 1984 he moved to Aurora, CO to continue ministry at Lowry AFB and to be closer to Buckley ANG Base where he was assigned. In 1993 Greg had the opportunity to cross-train at Keesler AFB, MS. Shortly after that he met Diane Emerson, an Air Force nurse leaving Active Duty. They met through a mutual friend from the OCF Bible Study. It did not take for them to fall in love and were married in nearby Pensacola, FL where Diane lived. Greg joined her in Florida after completing his training and was allowed to remain in the COANG, serving with an ANG unit in MS and being deployed overseas with other units from all over the country. In Pensacola they participated in Bible Studies, attended worship at NTTC Corry Station and assisted with ministry at NAS Pensacola. Greg and Diane moved back to Colorado in 1996 to join a new Space Command Air Guard unit in Greeley and he began working full-time as a civil service ANG Technician. Diane continued working as a nurse. In 2008 Greg was medically disqualified from military service and he retired as a Master Sergeant after 31 years of service. In 2010 they moved to Maine to be close to Diane's parents. Greg continues his work with CMF by serving as the Directory of Field Ministry and compiling the monthly Prayer Letter, the "Battle Plan" and sending a daily email prayer reminder. He is active with the Chapel ministry on Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, ME and Pease ANG Base, Newberry, NH.

Ministry to Coast Guard Families
Vic and Cindy Primeaux
Since settling in November 1998 on the western shores of Puget Sound, God has opened many doors to impact lives with the Good News of Jesus Christ in fields that are ripe for harvest with far too few laborers. The Lord has given us favor with many of the military chaplains in the area, particularly with the Coast Guard and Navy, which are currently the focus of our ministry. Vic is involved weekly with Bible studies and prayer groups at the 13th Coast Guard District Office and the Support Command in Seattle, the Bangor Submarine Base Dining Facility and Brig, and at least monthly at Coast Guard Port Angeles commands through their weekly prayer breakfasts. Vic is also involved in one-on-one counseling, visits to cutters, trips to various commands around the Pacific Northwest and the
entire West Coast, and leadership of our weekly home Bible study group. Cindy leads a military wives weekly Bible study, and we’re both involved with telephone, e-mail and snail-mail counseling and support.

Naval Air Station Pensacola
Rick and Jan Hamme
Rick and Jan minister to the personnel stationed at NAS Pensacola and IWTC Corry Station. Here their outreach is primarily to students in A schools and to local military families. Rick and Jan live in Pensacola, Florida and have been married since 1979.
Rick joined the Navy in 1972, attending Boot Camp at Great Lakes, in order to attend the Naval Academy Prep School. He graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1976 and was commissioned into the Marine Corps. He served as a CH-46 pilot until he resigned his commission to attend seminary, with the goal of becoming a Navy Chaplain. Rick served in the Navy Chaplain Corps on active duty and in the reserves from 1987 until 2002, finishing as a Commander with over 30 years on active duty and reserves.
Rick has also worked as the director of the Georgia Family Council and as the pastor of Christ Memorial Baptist Church in Dover, Delaware. He has been the field staff rep for Officers' Christian Fellowship at Marine Corps Base Quantico, and a Program Analyst in Suicide Prevention for Headquarters Marine Corps in the area in the area of curriculum development.
Jan works alongside Rick, maintaining communications for the ministry. Since they were married in 1979, she has been both a Navy and Marine Corps wife. She has also been a stay-at-home mom, a home-schooling mom, and an elementary school teacher in both Christian and public schools.
Rick and Jan love spending time with their growing family. Erick and Olivia live on the Mississippi coast and have 3 sons, Eli, Ben, and Isaac. Mike and his wife Stephanie, daughter Emmah and son James are all in Central Pennsylvania. Mike and Stephanie lead NorthBranch Young Life. Kaitie, her husband Kyle and their son Kit are in Cleveland,Ohio where Kyle has deep family roots and works for a great company called BoxCast. Pensacola is a great place for family gatherings, but you know we'd go anywhere to be with all of them!

Fort Cavasos (Formerly Fort Hood)
Carol Simning
The freedoms the United States military has fought for and continues to fight for are precious to me. I have always been in awe of people in our uniforms and am thankful for them. Therefore, I count it a great privilege to serve them through the ministry of encouragement and discipleship. I want to help our armed forces to learn or think about the God who loves them.

Marriage & Family and Mentoring
Bob Flynn
Bob has been with the Christian Military Fellowship since 1981. He has served as a Local Leader, Coordinator of Ministries, Chief Operating Officer, President/CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Directors. After a short retirement he returned as Chief Information Officer. His ministry area has been one-on-one mentoring and discipleship.
Bob enlisted in the United States Navy in 1968 and served on active duty until 1991 when he joined the CMF Staff. He and his wife, Nancy, live near Buckley Space Force Base, Aurora, Colorado.

Camp Lejeune & MCAS New River
Dick and Sue Price
Sue and I were raised in the heart of the Midwest, Indiana, and grew with the values instilled there. After our marriage, we attended a church which strongly supports missions and missionaries. On the closing evening of our annual Missions Conference, we asked God what He would have us do. Initially we were directed to minister with men and women who were all combat veterans ranging from World War II through and including Desert Storm and “minor” incursions not well known around the world. This ministry was closed to us after almost ten years as God asked us to move to Jacksonville, NC, and minister to young Marines and sailors at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune.
This ministry has evolved to Bible studies with young Marines at the School
of Infantry, couples studies and mentoring in our home. We also continue relationships by E-mail, telephone and snail mail with young men and women who have either been deployed, transferred elsewhere, or released from active duty.
Our ministry also includes meeting and riding with Marines and sailors on motorcycles around the area and sometimes on trips around the East Coast. Our motorcycle is a great tool for contact and common interest. This, in turn, opens opportunity to share Christ.
One of the most difficult but also the most rewarding aspects of this ministry is that we are often viewed as loving and wise grandparents, parents, mentors, or counselors meeting an unfulfilled need. Developing trust and relationship reveals the real need — Christ.