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CMF eZine
The Blessedness of the Persecuted
For the moral teaching of Jesus was a challenge that could not be evaded.
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The Blessedness of the Peacemakers
"The peacemakers are pronounced blessed, they namely who make peace first within their own hearts, then between brethren at variance."
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The Blessedness of the Pure in Heart
Blessed are those who have preserved internal sanctity of soul...
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The Blessedness of the Merciful
No attribute of God is more often referred to in the Old Testament than His mercy.
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The Blessedness of the Hungry
So the blessedness of those who hunger and thirst depends on the assurance that they shall be filled.
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The Blessedness of the Meek
Thy people also shall be all righteous; they shall inherit the land for ever.—ISAIAH 60:21.
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The Blessedness of the Sorrowful
The pleasures of each generation evaporate in air; it is their pains that increase the spiritual momentum of the world.—ILLINGWORTH.
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The Blessedness of the Poor
The blessing of the Old Testament was prosperity, but the blessing of the New Testament is adversity.—BACON.
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There is in man a higher than love of happiness; he can do without happiness and instead thereof find blessedness.
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The Ethics of Jesus
Unless the moral ideals of Jesus are as valid today as when first they were spoken, Christianity is not what it claims to be...
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"The Meaning Behind Being Blessed Are The Persecuted"
Perhaps of all the Beatitudes this last is the most obvious and requires the least explanation.
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What is the Peace-loving Temper or Attitude?
What is the Peace-loving Temper or Attitude?
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The Miseries of War
We must wonder how it is that a thing, so absolutely inconsistent with Christ’s teaching as war is...
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The Pure in Heart See God in Man
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”—ST MATTHEW 5:8. What is it to see God? This is the last question left to us in...
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Christian Pity and Animal Suffering
Christian pity in relation to animals
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Reverence the Sorrows of Others
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”—ST MATTHEW 5:7. We have dealt with the attitude, the double attitude, of...
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Sensibility to Suffering
Sensibility to suffering has greatly increased in modern times.
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