Christian Military FellowshipDefining MarriageMarriage is a unity of both flesh and spirit. It is a mutual commitment in which husband and wife share their bodies, their spirits...
Christian Military FellowshipDietrich Bonhoeffer on MarriageMarriage is more than your love for each other. It has a higher dignity and power, for it is God’s holy ordinance, through which he wills...
Martin LutherMartin Luther on MarriageThis is a true definition of marriage: Marriage is the God-appointed and legitimate union of man and woman in the hope of having children...
John ChrysostomPrinciples for MarriageSo if neither husband nor wife has power over their own bodies, they have even less control over money.
Christian Military Fellowship5 Great Ways Wives Can Serve Their HusbandsAnd while it is okay to expect our spouses to serve us, Scripture shows us a more excellent way - serving them.