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CMF eZine
Our Courts Oppose the Righteous
And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off, &c.] Jarchi interprets this of the vengeance of God, and his...
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The Glorious Deeds of the Lord
The Glorious Deeds of the Lord
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“Behold, I was shapen in iniquity.” He is thunderstruck at the discovery of his inbred sin, and proceeds to set it forth. This was not...
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If My People Pray
Christ, our sacrifice, was made sin and a curse for us and the sacrifice was consumed by the fire of God’s wrath against sin...
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Sin's Garden
Jeremiah can rest in the proper and eternal relations between God and His beloved people...
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Seed or Weed?
The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil.
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The Author of Our Current Distress
CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Birth of Ishmael. Characters: Sarah, Abram, Hagar, Angel, Ishmael. Conclusion: The moment the believer takes...
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Redemption by Christ
Gal. 3:13. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us. The law, which subjects all mankind to a curse,...
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The Fruit of Impenitence and Unbelief
Yes, verily, they are a mirror in which we may see our own image; and the events of their days are still visible in ours.
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Life Abundantly by Christ
Literally, that they may have abundance, or that which abounds.
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Do Not Forsake Me
A man can lay up nothing better for the infirmities of old age than the favor of God sought, by earnest prayer...
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A Cry for Mercy
“Help me, O Lord my God.” Laying hold of Jehovah by the appropriating word my, he implores his aid both to help him to bear his heavy...
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John 12:28
This petition of our Saviour’s was of no light consequence, when it had such an answer from heaven by an audible voice...
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Pay Careful Attention to Yourselves
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, &c.] Since the blood of men may be required of those, who are negligent or partial in their office,...
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