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A Closer Look at Moral Relativism and Its Consequences

Christian Military Fellowship

“It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.”—10:23 (14:9).

Interpretation.—The “mischief” here meant is of the nature of a moral crime, e.g. unchastity (Judg. 20:6). To the irreligious, who place self above the moral law, such crimes, whether committed by themselves or others, are regarded as a good joke. They feel a pleasure in doing what is wrong because it is wrong, laugh off fears, ridicule objections, and with a light heart pursue their deadly course. On the other hand, wisdom comes not less naturally and pleasantly to “a man of understanding,” “the discerning man,” wisdom in practice not in theory alone,—than mischief to the fool. He follows his inner impulse in acting it out, and is in his element.

Illustrations.—How little did Amnon reck of the worse than folly he committed, upon the heels of which trod death! With Ahab it was as a “light thing” (1 Kings 16:31) “to add iniquity unto iniquity.” To Abner it counted for “play” that twenty-four men should die by one another’s hand; and he himself died “as a fool dieth” (2 Sam. 3:33). The King Ahasuerus and Haman could sit down calmly “to drink” after planning the destruction; in cold blood, of thousands of their fellow-creatures (Esth. 3:15). Mordecai, with equal deliberation, unlocked the wisdom that was in his breast to save them. Belshazzar could make merry in his profanity till the Heaven-sent apparition “changed” his countenance. The unchaste woman is represented as taking her meals in comfort, and saying, “I have done no wickedness” (30:20).

Application.—When I read of Nero setting Rome on fire, and then fiddling over it, I count him a fool. But what costly folly is sin, which kindles a fire in God’s anger that shall burn for ever (Jer. 17:4)! And is this a subject for mirth or ridicule? Sin, which, like the star “Wormwood,” has embittered all the fountains of man’s existence (Rev. 8:11)! Sin, which God counts so serious that He spared not His own Son to work its cure! Sin, which the angels wonder at, and holy men regard with awe and horror! How dreadful to think that not only follies but crimes are a subject of mirth, contemptuous mirth, to many! That souls are seduced to their ruin by scoffs, and their seduction made a subject of ribald jesting afterwards! That the frowns and tears and entreaties of parents and ministers are laughed to scorn! That Christ and holiness are made light of for the sake of a foolish bravado! That the conscience thus becomes seared, and its terrors, which ought to deter from sin, are lulled until it is too late!

O God, give me the wisdom which shall preserve me “from hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy holy Word;” and those great thoughts of Thee which make impossible slight thoughts of sin!

Pearson, C. R. (1880). Counsels of the Wise King; or, Proverbs of Solomon Applied to Daily Life (Vol. 1, p. 81). W. Skeffington & Son. (Public Domain)


Christian Military Fellowship

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