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Christian Military Fellowship

A Cry for Mercy

“Help me, O Lord my God.”

Laying hold of Jehovah by the appropriating word my, he implores his aid both to help him to bear his heavy load and to enable him to rise superior to it. He has described his own weakness, and the strength and fury of his foes, and by these two arguments he urges his appeal with double force. This is a very rich, short, and suitable prayer for believers in any situation of peril, difficulty, or sorrow. “O save me according to thy mercy.” As thy mercy is, so let thy salvation be. The measure is a great one, for the mercy of God is without bound. When man has no mercy it is comforting to fall back upon God’s mercy. Justice to the wicked is often mercy to the righteous, and because God is merciful he will save his people by overthrowing their adversaries.

“That they may know that this is thy hand.”

Dolts as they are, let the mercy shown to me be so conspicuous that they shall be forced to see the Lord’s agency in it. Ungodly men will not see God’s hand in anything if they can help it, and when they see good men delivered into their power they become more confirmed than ever in their atheism; but all in good time God will arise and so effectually punish their malice and rescue the object of their spite that they will be compelled to say like the Egyptian magicians, “this is the finger of God.” “That thou, Lord, hast done it.” There will be no mistaking the author of so thorough a vindication, so complete a turning of the tables.

Spurgeon, C. H. (n.d.). The treasury of David: Psalms 88-110 (Vol. 4, p. 444). Marshall Brothers. (Public Domain)

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